Output: The corresponding identification of living prefix DFA. 输出:相应识别活前缀的DFA。
First, there needs to be an identification of what really is suffering, so that the dharma, which is spoken as medicine, can heal the suffering living beings feel. 首先我们应该先了解苦到底是甚么,才能因病施药,用适当的佛法来治疗众生的苦。
To speak an immigrant group of the same origin, its identification in terms of social development, cultural vicissitude, and race can't be separated from the history, culture, politics, economy and social living of the residing country. 因此,对于同一来源的移民群体来说,它在不同国家中的社会发展、文化变迁、族群认同都无法脱离其居住国的历史、文化、政治、经济和社会生活的影响。
Analysis of identification for degree of injury in 200 cases of living body 200例活体损伤程度鉴定分析
Through isolation and identification it has proved that the F2 and H2 strains isolated from the waste water of auxiliary factory and the living sewage are R. capsulata and C. 从助剂厂废水和生活污水流经的污泥中分离出F2和H2菌株,经鉴定F2为荚膜红假单胞菌(RhodopsudomonasCapsulata),H2为泥生绿硫菌(ChlorobiumChlorobiumlimicola)。
The analysis of forensic identification of 4829 cases of living injury and discussion of some issues of the identification standard 4829例活体损伤法医学鉴定分析及鉴定标准若干问题的探讨
Identification Between Spontaneous Sweat and Night Sweat It has made great achievements in the Pamir region, which has made great contribution to the improvement of the living standards for the local people. 在中亚的帕米尔地区,阿加汗基金会取得了许多成果,为改善当地人民生活做出了相当大的贡献。
Finger-vein recognition technology is a new kind of contact-less biometric identification technology, which assumes high reliability, convenient validation, high recognition accuracy and identification of living body and so on. 手指静脉识别技术作为一种新型的非接触式生物认证技术,具有可靠性高,验证便捷,识别精度高和活体识别等特点。